Running Unlimited Multiple Instances of Apps Simultaneously on Android Devices Apps Simultaneously on Android Devices

[Tweaks] Running Unlimited Multiple Instances of Apps Simultaneously on Android Devices Apps Simultaneously on Android Devices

Back in the day, Helium Mobile miners had to lug around multiple phones to rake in those sweet "Mobile Rewards". But times have changed, and now you can run multiple instances on a single Android phone. Let's dive into the technicalities.


Before we start, here's what you need:

  • Multiple Helium Mobile accounts (or any Android apps, but we'll use Helium Mobile as an example)
  • An Android phone running version 11 or above (as per Helium Mobile's requirements)
  • A rooted phone
  • Island App
  • Termux App


Our aim is to run multiple instances of Helium Mobile simultaneously on the same phone, with always on location access.

The Magic of "Island"

"Island" is an Android software that clones your selected apps. It utilizes the Android work profile to pull this off. Without root permission, it can create one work profile, allowing two instances of the same app to run concurrently. But with a rooted phone, it can create unlimited profiles, meaning you can have multiple instances of the same app running together.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 0: Root your phone, install Island and Termux from Google Play Store

Step 1: Fire up Termux App and enter:


Grant root permission when prompted.

Step 2: Create a work profile

Note down the returned ID from this command. Run it multiple times to create multiple profiles.

pm create-user --profileOf 0 --managed Island

Step 2.1: If you are getting the "Couldn’t Create User" Error...

Some devices may throw this error due to the limitation of the number of accounts in your OS. In this case, you need to increase the limitation:

# check the limitation of number of accounts
pm get-max-users

# enable debug mode
resetprop ro.debuggable 1

# set maximum profiles of your system to 100
setprop persist.sys.max_profiles 100

# restart the system
am restart

# set maximum number of users to 100
setprop fw.max_users 100

Try the command in step 2 again.

Step 3: Install Island on the work profile

Run this for each user.

pm install-existing --user <user id> com.oasisfeng.island

Feel free to install other apps at this step, or you can do it through the software GUI.

Step 4: Grant ownership of the configuration file

Do this for the newly created work profile to the Island device manager receiver. Run it for each user.

dpm set-profile-owner --user <user id> com.oasisfeng.island/.IslandDeviceAdminReceiver

Step 5: Start the user

Run this for each user.

am start-user <user id>

Now, sit back and relax while the Island App creates the users and corresponding workspaces. Your phone might slow down a bit during this process.


Issue 1: App keeps asking for location permission

For some reason, the "Allow all the time" option is not enabled even after you click "Grant" when prompted. You need to manually enable it in Settings - Location - Recent Access.

Issue 2: Only voice input is available in the work profiles

Input methods are not automatically installed in workspaces. You need to install in Mainland and clone it to individual islands.

Issue 3: Users are not started upon rebooting

Create a script at /data/adb/service.d, name it, give it full permission 777, and put the following content in the file:

sleep 10
am start-user <user id 1>
am start-user <user id 2>
am start-user <user id 3>

Uninstalling Island

Before uninstalling Island, you need to destroy the Islands inside the app.


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This post is created on January 12, 2024 and last updated on January 15, 2024